Alchemy of Form: between the echoes of antiquity and threads of existence

Chiara Valentini artworks represent a captivating exploration into the profound symbolism and artistic interpretation of the timeless vessel—the amphora—through their evocative shapes and materials.

In this exhibition, we embark on a journey through history, where the echoes of antiquity resonate with contemporary expression, inviting viewers to delve into the rich tapestry of human experience woven within the vessel's form. Chiara Valentini's fascination with the amphora transcends mere aesthetic appreciation; it becomes a dialogue with the past, a quest to revive and reimagine objects of archaic significance. The amphora, an archetype steeped in historical and cultural heritage, emerges as a vessel not only of liquids but of memory, symbolism, and profound philosophical connotations. It embodies the triad of creation—generation, nurturing, and containment—serving as a conduit for the convergence of all existence in nature.

Within the amphora, we discover a microcosm of the universe, where the intersection of form and content gives rise to a conscious, inclusive, and contemplative dimension. Through Valentini's masterful craftsmanship, each artwork transcends the tangible, inviting viewers to explore the depths of consciousness, the interconnectedness of all beings, and the eternal dance of existence.Through Valentini works we traverse the realms of imagination and introspection, where the past flows seamlessly into the present, and the aesthetic allure of ancient artifacts finds resonance in the modern world.  

Sogno(2023), on the right here, invites us into the realm of the unconscious, where the amphora becomes a vessel for the ethereal essence of one's innermost self. Its form, reminiscent of ancient vessels used for sustenance, now takes on the semblance of a mystical lamp, from which dreams emerge like ethereal wisps of smoke. The figure, resting in slumber against the vessel, symbolizes the nourishing power of dreams, which feed our souls and ignite the imagination. 

In Nettare(2023) the amphora becomes a metaphorical vessel for the essence of life itself. Under pressure, whether metaphorical or literal, the liquid within escapes through crimson tubules, reminiscent of the flow of nectar from the gods. It symbolizes the vitality and abundance that arises from the containment and release of life's essence.




The Truth is in the Soil | Exhibition