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“ 6 “ a Group Exhibition by
Hanafi, M. Irfan, Zulkarnaini
Sin Sin Man, Rick Lewis, Zhang Xiaodong

Sin Sin Fine Art is pleased to present the group exhibition “6” of artists Hanafi, M.Irfan, Zulkarnaini, Sin Sin Man, Rick Lewis and Zhang Xiaodong at both Art Central Hong Kong and the Gallery.

The 6 artists stand for their ideals and principles. They have strong beliefs and opinions about what they feel is the truth. Noise, clutter and confusion are not compatible with their energy. All of them occupy a unique position of mental power, which can be transformed into constructive force.

The natural environment is the source that provides the metaphors for the way that abstract paintings work. The arts of the 6 artists will take us way beyond any singular subject matter to another dimension of the world, contributing to a sensational vibration at site.


Migrant Workers: Seen and Heard


Universal Heritage 共同遺産