NŌUA, 2021

Power & Paper

To compliment the exhibition Power & Paper we will be launching a publication with commissioned texts as well as interviews and conversations between myself and artists of the exhibition.

The theme of the publication, will in correlation to the seminar, be concentrated around issues of photography, official/documented history, individual relationships with memory and history, concepts of manipulation, authenticity and authorship.

The catalogue will present texts from myself, Diane Smyth, Karen McQuaid, Maria Lyngstad Willassen 

Power & Paper
First edition of 200 copies, 2021
148 × 210 mm
114 pp
Soft cover, section sewn binding

Editors: NOUA / Marianne Bjørnmyr and Francesca Marcaccio
Design: OAZA, Croatia
Publisher: YONA Editions, Bodø, Norway
Text : Norwegian / English

ISBN 978-82-999927-3-2

Published with the support of The Fritt Ord Foundation, Norwegian Fund for Photography and Arts Council Norway.


MARIANNE BJØRNMYR / An Authentic Relation